Winn Grips 2022
‘Caddy’ 2022 TV Spot
Winn Grips, the innovator behind the most advanced golf grips on the market, needed a creative partner savvy in strategy, content, production, and post-production with a knack for golf. Luckily, we fit the bill.
We dug into research before shaping our concepts. The golf scene is often clogged with repetitive messages on performance and score improvement. Our goal? Break the mold, infuse humor, inspire genuinely, and leave a lasting mark. We set out to produce a brand and a product-focused broadcast 60-second spot, with 30-second cutdowns.
‘Dri Tac 2.0’ 2022 TV Spot
Creatively, we aimed to capture that magical "in the zone" moment in sports, highlight golf's social fun, and the unique confidence-boosting tactile experience of Winn's products.
The outcome? Winn's Grips sold out for the year. We'd like to think our creative and vibrant spots played a role.
This campaign laid the foundation for a fresh 22’-’23 campaign.