Creative partners
that move mountains. 
From comedy to culinary. From automotive to aerospace. Big celebrities. Real people.
Multichannel global campaigns. Live events. Digital product launches. If you can imagine it, we’ve probably done it. Below is a selection of work to show breadth and depth.
If you are seeking something specific, just reach out, and we’d be happy to provide custom reels.
You've made it to our secret work page. We don't stop creating content after hours.
We just crank up the twisted knob a bit more and see where it takes us. Enjoy the ride.
Slayer | ‘Jake’s Car’
It was Thursday night and the new Matthew McConaughey Lincoln spot had just aired. Jake was lamenting his car. Curt was talking about the upcoming Slayer concert. We had a few IPAs. Bingo. 1.5 weeks later, we released the 2nd spoof of the Lincoln spot, just 2 days after SNL. We wrote it to the exact cadence of the Lincoln ad - shot for shot. We even lifted the reflections from the Lincoln and mapped them onto Jake’s car. Slayer’s PR team reached out within 24 hours of us launching the video. The band responded with their own video.
And we all went to Slayer at The Forum. We have a picture of Jake with the band to prove it. Plus, Jake couldn’t leave without having the band sign the manual to his Ford Escort.
Ad Federation | How Do You Win An Addy?
This promo was the moment. Featuring OC's own ad-world stars (except for the bathing suit model—we outsourced that one), it was a true community effort. The catchy tune? Written and performed by OC ad guru Ian Koff. Shoutout to the incredible crew who helped bring this to life and to Red Gum Studios for the perfect backdrop. Extra high-fives to Nick Bailey, Jon Berry, and Gamete Music for crafting a track that truly rocks.
Toshiba | ‘Digit’
Technology is awesome. The way we speak about technology is sometimes pretty ridiculous. So we partnered with our client Toshiba to create an April Fool's video that brings us all back down to earth a bit. But not before we see a digital glove wearing mime deliver a soul piercing stare that can never be unseen. You're welcome.
Get Sorted Out | ‘The Rule of Thirds’
It's important to know things. And we want to share the things we know with you. So you can know them too. And hopefully pass along your knowledge to others. Until one day, all of us will know all the things.
2023 Holiday Card
Each year we like to celebrate the holiday by donning some outrageous apparel and getting into character to celebrate the end of another year. Many people have told us they look forward to these every year. A few others have asked us to lose their email address. To each their own. Fa la la la la.
2022 Holiday Card
2021 Holiday Card
2019 Holiday Card
2018 Holiday Card
2017 Holiday Card
2016 Holiday Card
2015 Holiday Card
2014 Holiday Card
2013 Holiday Card

2012 Holiday Card

2011 Holiday Card
2007 Holiday Card
A Stress-Free Holiday
In this hilarious and unexpected holiday tale, Santa Claus faces an epic battle—not against the Naughty List, but against his outdated answering machine and his own temper. As he struggles to record a simple out-of-office message, things spiral out of control, culminating in a near meltdown. With Mrs. Claus caught in the chaos, Santa’s misadventure becomes a comedic cautionary tale about stress, patience, and the importance of taking care of yourself during the holidays.
2006 Holiday Card
Homo Clausicus
Homo Clausicus (ho-mo claw-si-cus): The first known species of HomoClausicus was discovered in the early 1970’s in the bed rock of Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania. This exciting discovery pre-dates the oldest known Clausicus by almost 300,000 years.
While the origin and evolution of Homo Clausicus and the surrounding traditions remain hot topics, the common practices of sharing peace, love and happiness with all mankind cannot be disputed. Visit Homoclausicus on the internet to learn more: